TV’s Blog Fiction

While watching a repeat of the bodysnatcheresque show Invasion, a character named Dave was recording his thoughts about an apparent alien takeover of a small Florida town, making notes for his blog. He spent part of another episode ensconsed in an internet café, typing in his conspiracy theories.

Just an example of TV reflecting a current trend, right? Except the blog actually exists. Dave’s Diatribes follows the story line in character, expounding on what happened during previous episodes and even responding to comments.

Dave, or in this case ABC, is not alone as character blogs are part of several shows this season. Paper salesman Dwight Schrute from The Office not only blogs at Schrute-Space, but it is written by actor Rainn Wilson during the filming of episodes.

"On our show, the actors spend so much time at their computers for all those background shots, and I figured I needed something to do," Wilson told the Contra Costa Times. "So if you're watching and you see a scene with me hammering away at the keyboard, I just might be blogging."

Joe, the bartender from Grey’s Anatomy, rants on The Emerald City Bar; Neil Patrick Harris’ character Barney from How I Met Your Mother passes along dubious dating advice on Barney's Blog.

So is this just sophisticated brand marketing or a legitimate extension of the shows in question, or both? I suppose it depends on their quality. Will the characters respond to comments and engage their readers? What will happen if a character veers off the show’s plotline?

I hope they get the writers involved and these blogs last. If they work it will feel like you are part of the show in some small way, helping you immerse yourself further into the illusion of reality that is being created – as if Pinocchio was a real boy after all.

Other character blogs:

Robin's Daily Dose - General Hospital

Dr. Nigel Townsend - Crossing Jordan

Joe's Dream Diary - Medium

Jess & Tess - One Life to Live

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting...That's so cool & bizarre!

    --RC of

